HSE Policy

Safety is of primary importance. It is essential that Bin Yaagoob Bawazeir Co. & Partners For Trade (BYC) conducts its operations in such a way as to protect the safety and health of its employees, its contractors and all those affected by BYC’s activities.
BYC’s goals are:
To achieve no injury, lost work days or work related illnesses;
To fully respect safety and health in all management choices, plans and operations ;
To comply with all applicable standards of the international oil industry, in addition to the laws and regulations.
These goals require that:
Managers at all levels are responsible and accountable for health, safety and environment
matters and for ensuring compliance with this policy statement ;
All employees and contractors remain vigilant and responsible for their own safety, as well as the safety of the people around them.
To reach these goals BYC must:
Develop and follow efficient safety procedures and standards;
Identify, evaluate and manage hazards and risks involved in its operations;
Ensure that its employees and contractors are properly trained to work safely and to ensure that they know how to act in an emergency;
Emphasise safety and health concerns both on and off work sites;
Report all safety related incidents and investigate and analyse them to prevent recurrence ;
Perform a regular audit of its compliance with the BYC’s safety policy.
These goals are fundamental to the wellbeing of all employees as well as the efficient operation of BYC. Helping to fulfil these goals is the responsibility of everyone who works at BYC.